Friday, April 22, 2011


The next step was decorating the sleeves.  On the inside, I wanted a band photo on the left and a track listing with info on the right, printed on white cards.  I could do that later, so the outside was what I had to work with.  I got a couple of sets of alphabet stamps and mounted them on a pair of acrylic blocks; one block has "THE" and "ARGYLES" on adjacent sides, the other has "rage and" [and] "chill".  That wasn't exciting enough for a cover, though, so I looked for something else.  I found a stamp that was just a dimpled grid, and cut  a bunch of them off until I was left with an argyle pattern.  Then I bought a big multi-coloured inkpad and experimented with different placements of these elements for the front and the back cover.
Finally I settled on a design I liked, then churned them out.
One drawback to my design is that the CD could fall out if you held it wrong, so I bought some ribbon and a glue gun to put it around the middle of the disk.
There's one done, without the info or pic on the inside as of yet.  I got some printable CDs, and used the same stamps on them.
Unfortunately the ink continues to smudge even after it dries, so I'm either going to have to find some sort of fixative or a new way of decorating the CDs.  I like the way it looks, though, so I hope I can sort it out.

1 comment:

  1. miraculous, greg. i've been wondering where you've been all these days.
