Friday, April 22, 2011

Day-old Bread

Alright, I admit it.  I have been remiss in both my blogging and album-producing duties.  In my defence, it's very hard to update when all you're doing is adding reverb to the guitar, normalizing the lead vocal, or trying (and failing) to auto-tune the saxophone.  In short, editing is boring, and you didn't miss much.

Over the last couple months, we played every second Monday at Gerts, and in the process contributed to the slow and agonizing death of their PA system.  We also played a show last Friday at Trois Minots at the behest of the McGill Outdoors Club, which turned out to be a lot of fun.  After much deliberation, we chose not to play Mott's incendiary anthem, "M.O.C.I.A.", due to cross cultural sensitivity (and the fact that we've never actually practised it).

Somewhere in that big gap between posts I also put three mixes up on our myspace, which were kind of rushed in order to get a demo CD together for someone at Gerts.  Nothing came of that, other than I was forced to bash some of the songs into shape.  The remaining tracks followed reluctantly over the next few weeks.

On Tuesday, Mott, Justin, Jack, and Spencer came over to listen to what I had and made some helpful criticisms, as did Stephen and Natalia the next day.  As a result, I made some big changes to the mixes and recorded the last remaining pieces - backing vocals, guitar solos, etc.  I also worked on the song order for the album, which proved difficult since the collection of songs that we ended up recording is extremely eclectic.

Here's an impromptu band photo that Connie took at Chantale's.  I'm hoping we can get it to look good enough to put on the inside cover of the album.

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