Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keithless Stones

So here we are a few months on.  Rage and Chill is on at least a few shelves, if not in the books.  In the meantime, many changes have come to Argyledom.  We bid farewell to Matt Kassel, our drummer, as he headed back to his native New Jersey to further his writing career.  Check his blog, Cold Jazz, to keep up with his journey.  Our sax player, Ryan Mackellar, moved to Kingston to pursue a Master's degree in History.  Check his blog, the aptly titled Colonial History of Canada.

The remaining Argyles (Matt Dowling, Justin Wong, and me) were excited to play a set at Martin's Space-hootenanny as a power trio, but prospective drummer Andrew Miller (frontman of Parapraxis) instead wound  up playing lead guitar while Matt Dowling took the (drum) throne.  A large part of his brain which had lain dormant since he played drums in high school re-awoke, and he displayed skills heretofore unimagined.  Ryan also drove down for the show, but our set was pushed back several times and the party was shut down by the police before we were able to take the stage.

We quickly found another gig at Gerts, playing pro bono for Borderless World Volunteers.  Our set had a couple of songs from Rage and Chill, but also a lot of new material that I had been working on since we recorded the album.  We have since been practising fairly regularly, and the amount of new material (from both me and Dowling) has become quite substantial.

So substantial, in fact, that we have too much new material for a mere EP.  Which brings me to the main reason for my update: we will be recording a new full-length album this winter.  The sequel to Rage and Chill has yet to be named, although we have already decided against Andrew's suggestion Rape and Kill, concluding it is not violent enough to convey the ferocity of our new material.  But we have a good idea of what songs will be on it, and a much more cohesive style and sound than on the last disc.  I'd like to write at least one song with the band as a group, and possibly get some material from Justin and Andrew.  I hope to have material down by the end of November and the drums recorded by Christmas.

You can catch the new Argyles lineup and material at Trois Minots on November 10th.  And make sure to check back here to hear about the album as it comes together.

(Oh, and the video is from the Montreal-made The Wild Hunt, which I only wish stayed this funny all the way through instead of getting all murder-y.  Still good though.)

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