Monday, December 13, 2010

Gettin' it Dunn

Justin was in the shed pretty hard today.  He got about 15 songs done.
Nice job, Justin!

He was playing an Ibanez bass D-Ied through the M-Audio interface.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Now What?

Kassel finished the last two tracks today.  We had to work them out from scratch as we'd never really played them together, but both Mixtapes and Mott's new one Hold it Together went well.  I fiddled a bit with Audiosnap and Session Drummer 3, replacing the kick with a sample.  It sounded much better, I'm going to see if the same thing sounds good for the toms and maybe the snare as well.  With the drums done, it's Justin's time to play bass.  But the Pinyin Pals (, Justin's side project of which I am also part, is unseasonably busy this week (Trois Minots, Thursday, 3$ and Gerts on Friday) so we might have to wait a bit for the bass.
I can't find my camera cable, so here's a picture from two days ago.  I swear he was wearing a different shirt today.